Weekly Updates: This just in – being a couch potato

This week’s been another lazy week. Been staying in to get some work and travel planning done. Life on the couch is still pretty comfy 😀

On travel

On Sunday, I went to Serangoon Island (affectionately called Coney Island). It rained for a bit in the morning and we almost thought we couldn’t go. In the end, the rain slowed and we decided to just go for it because the weather was awesome and sand flies tend to avoid the rain.

One of our aims was to find the legendary bull. And… we failed to find it. Instead, I found a wild boar, 2 dogs, lots of butterflies and moths and many sand flies. I got startled by the wild boar when it started charging and didn’t snap any photos. On hindsight, I think I startled the wild boar instead.

Perhaps, next, I can go find otters around our island instead.

South Korea
I have also resumed working on my Korea trip itinerary. I’m deciding to be safe and plan more details this time. I know language is going to be a barrier so I’m converting whatever I can into Korean characters. If anything, Korean sounds even more confusing to me than Japanese, with lesser Chinese character references that I can guess my way around. I also can’t seem to grasp the pronunciations so I shall just rely on writing the characters down.

I would say planning is not for everyone, but not planning is not for everywhere either. There are places where it is perfectly fine to just show up with no plans. There are also places where it’s probably better to know where you are going.

I’m pretty packed for this trip so I wouldn’t want to spend so much time getting lost. Maybe next time.

I have also finally confirmed my flight to Tasmania! Excited 😀

On finances

I don’t usually track my expenses. For the sake of breaking down my travel expenses for this blog, I downloaded an app called TrabeePocket (App Store, Google Play). Let’s see if this works out.

For this week (Sun – Sat), I walked everywhere and did mostly free activities so I spent next to nothing in Singapore.

This week’s expense breakdown (in SGD):

Total S$191.82
Coney Island S$6.82
Return flight to Tasmania S$185.00
On work

If you follow me on Twitter, you would know that I’m actually learning coding and I build a homepage from scratch as one of my mini-projects. I know it’s noob, so please have mercy.

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